MTC-451, MTJ-451, MTF-451 Diamond Scribes, .020" diam. pin, 60 deg included angle. Scope Tools has created several new diamond scribes based on customer requests including 75 deg included angle, .010" pin & .028" pin
MTC-250, MTJ-250 Stainless Steel Spatula
MTC-270 MicroBrush, Single Synthetic Bristle
MTC-400, MTJ-400, MTJ-401 MicroMirrors, .025" diam. high quality mirror glass
MP-1-B, MP-1-R Black & Red Electronic Test Probe Handles with 3' wire & banana plug
MPC-500, MPC-500, MPC-500 Tungsten Electronic Test Probe
MPC-510, MPJ-510, MPF-510 .005" Wire Electronic Test Probe
MPC-520, MPJ-520, MPF-520 Gold Plated Stainless Steel Electronic Test Probe
MTC-150 Guarded MicroHook
MTC-220 MicroSaw
Kits with 2 identical tools + 1 handle: KMTC-100, KMTC-110, KMTC-111, KMTC-115, KMTC-120, KMTC-185, KMTC-200, KMTC-440, KMTC-451, KMTJ-100, KMTJ-110, KMTJ-111, KMTJ-115, KMTJ-120, KMTJ-200, KMTJ-451. Specify a black or red handle for these kits: KMPC-500, KMPC-510, KMPC-520, KMPJ-500, KMPJ-510, KMPJ-520